Gorham Times

January 2024 Update

It was sometime in the fall of 2022 that at the request of the Board of Directors I was asked to remove the word ‘Interim’ from my title and continue as editor. In the fall of 2023 they requested that I become the managing editor.

I have since learned that all the experience I have gathered as a student, alumna, employee, and retiree at the University of Southern Maine has been preparing for this role. From the Department of Music, School of Music, Osher School of Music, School of Applied Science, Engineering, and Technology, College of Science, Technology and Health, Department of Leadership Studies, and all the other departments that I have worked with, including teachers, students, and colleagues, I have had, many mentors helped me along the way. So grateful.

And for the ability to pull everything together, facing each challenge as it comes, I have to also credit the FIRST Robotics community, my faith communities, and the Senior writers at the Gorham Times. Couldn’t do this without them all.

Lori Arsenault
Managing Editor / Public Service Coordinator
Gorham Times
P. O. Box 401
Gorham, ME 04038

Disclaimer: The Gorham Times does not guarantee article placement due to space constraints.

Thank you to our hardworking volunteers, loyal advertisers, ​subscribers, and friends who have made our community newspaper possible since 1995.

May 2022

– Ok, this is a big one. For the past three or so years, I have been the public service coordinator for a small town Maine newspaper, the Gorham Times. We are all about our neighbors, and I’m all over that.

But this year, with the departure of our latest editor, everyone thought that I would be a good candidate for the position. They asked, “are you interested?” I said, “no!.” Then I said, “but I might be willing, for a time!” That was the clincher.

So, here I am, interim editor for the Gorham Times. Who would have thunk that I am actually pretty well prepared for this. No, I’m still not interested in this much responsibility. I’m retired.

I’m told that this is the kind of thing that retired people fall into. How I ever had time to work, I don’t really know.

Ok, I like my colleagues at the Gorham Times. It is an all volunteer community newspaper. We are all “all about” our neighbors. The three issues that I have completed have been ok. We have an amazing layout designer, so I can’t complain about how my work looks. Well, actually, it’s not really my work. We have really good writers so I can’t take much credit for the content. We have a really good community, so there’s always plenty of good things for the writers to write about that have nothing to do with me. Each issue just seems to fall together on its own.

For my part, I guess I just sorta keep people all going in the same direction, maybe?

I guess what I can honestly say that I do is that I simply keep everyone working on the same publication. Beyond that, I have no idea what I’m doing, but I love it.
